Friday, June 29, 2007

malaysia Friendster layouts

malaysia Friendster layouts share your friendster with friends. the best way for you to have a beautiful friendster icons, friendster login, friendster log in , friendster, friendster layout, friendster tweakers, background on friendster is in here .

everyone are interested to have a cool design for malaysia Friendster layouts can to share with me .

Friendster layouts

Friendster layouts you can have your friendster to have a beautiful friendster icon, friendster login, friendster log in , friendster, friendster layout, friendster tweakers, background on friendster.

today, having a beautiful Friendster layouts is a way to show off your cool profile to friends .

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Malaysia Friendster

Malaysia Friendster

Generally speaking, the members of Malaysia Friendster's service are young adults about 17 to 30. However, even that cannot be accurately defined as there are also many other users within other regions and age groups. The largest group of users of Friendster in a region may not have the same characteristics as that from other regions, as evidenced in the larger membership of teenagers than young adults in South East Asia especially in countries like the Philippines, India, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Brunei, Nepal and Indonesia.

It was reported that the Malaysia Friendster
has the most number of Friendster members in malaysia. Malaysia Friendster
prefer Malaysia Friendster more than any other social or community site. As such, Malaysia Friendster
has become part of malaysia cyberculture and contemporary popular culture.